Richard's Fun Zone
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   What we REALLY need is a Moment of SCIENCE in the Public Schools! 
   Photons Have Mass?  I Didn't Even Know They Were Catholic. 
   Open a Dark Portal to a Dimension of Evil First Thing in the Morning 
   and Nothing Worse will Happen to You the Rest of the Day.
   B.S. (Phys.): Why does it work?
   B.S. (Engr.): How does it work?
   B.A. (Actg.): How much will it cost?
   B.A. (Arts): You want fries with that? 
   You can name your own salary around here. I call mine Fred. 
   Lead Lemming.
   It's ok to disagree with me.  However, once I explain where you're 
   wrong, you're supposed to become enlightened and change your mind. 
   Congratulating me on how smart I am is optional.
   You can't cancel the project! We've already made the t-shirts! 
   Experience is the worst teacher. It gives you the test first and the 
   instructions afterwards.
   You get what you settle for.
   School is mainly true-false.  Life is mostly essay questions. 
   We aren't disorganized - we have an organization which is beyond 
   It's not procrastination; it's the incredible just-in-time workload 
   management system.
   Imagination is intelligence having fun. 
   No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. 
   A pile for everything and everything in its pile. 
   Who let the morning people run things? 
   Now that the deadline's past, can I please have the specifications? 
   No time to eat. No time to sleep. Luckily, breathing is voluntary. 
   Professional Nuisance for Hire. Name a target, name a place, I'm 
   It's hard to seize the day when first you've got to grapple with the 
   Death or compliance - now that's not too much to ask for is it? 
   Naturally you're out of book space. Everyone is always out of book 
   space. If you're not out of book space you're probably not worth
   Press any key. NO! NO! NOT THAT ONE! 
   Paranoia is the delusion that your enemies are organized. 
   The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a soldering 
   iron, a manager who codes and a user who gets ideas.
   What did I ever do to Murphy?
   Misanthropy: the study of why people are so stupid, and why most of 
   them should die SOON!


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