Richard's Fun Zone
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 -- From a T-shirt found in Auckland, New Zealand.

20 ways to express drunkedness...

1.  Annihilated
2.  Blasted
3.  Blotto
4.  Bombed
5.  Faceless
6.  Legless
7.  Loaded
8.  Mothered
9.  Off your face
10. Obliterated
11. Paralytic
12. Phucked
13. Pissed
14. Ripped
15. Shit-Faced
16. Smashed
17. Tight
18. Wasted
19. Wrecked
20. Written-Off

Expressions for the next morning's vomiting effort...

1.  Barf Out
2.  Biff a chunky
3.  Blow breakfast
4.  Chunder
5.  Cough casserole
6.  Heave
7.  Hiff your Guts
8.  Kiss the Porcelain God
9.  Liquid Laugh
10. Loose lunch
11. Pavement Pizza
12. Power Chuck
13. Puke
14. Ralph
15. Spew your Ring
16. Spit Custard
17. Talking to the big white telephone
18. Technicolor Yawn
19. Throw Up
20. Toss your cookies


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